
Monday, October 10, 2011

Thin prep method is more accurate than the method of prep pap smear

This is exciting news for women because, a team of experts cytyc Corporation, a company in marlboroug, Massachusetts, United States, found a method of detecting cervical cancer more accurately. With the method of prep tin woman does not need to go back and forth just to make sure had cancer or not.

During this method is used yangh womb disease specialists to track cervical cancer is the Pap smear. This method has been known since the half-century ago. In the United States no less than 50 million women undergo pap smear every year, in groups of cancers, including cervical cancer the number one killer disease in America.

Examination with Pap smear method is done by using a tool into the mouth of the uterus. by taking a fluid or mucus-borne then smeared on glass preparations, and then in check under a microscope. This method is less accurate according to some experts. Of the hundreds of thousands of cells in the capture, only about 5% are attached to the preparations and can be detected, the rest is wasted because it attaches to the tool used to take fluid or mucus.

Not surprisingly, the failure rate is quite high, around 20%. Consequently, women should perform a re-examination. In general, doctors recommend that women conduct re-examination every year. The reason, the development of cervical cancer fairly slow. In many cases, the disease can not be detected even though they had ten years.

In Thin prep method, the first step just like a pap smear that is taking fluid from the cervix with gauze, then the liquid from the mouth of the uterus in the dip into a small vial containing preservative fluid. Preservative fluid is absorbed almost all the cells taken. Furthermore, the bottle containing the liquid is fed into a processing machine, this tool is what separates the cells that will be in check. In this way no less than 50,000 cells that have unfolded in the glass clean in preparation for Check new under microscope.

On appeal by the method of Pap smear, thin prep method has some advantages. Among them, the number of cells examined much more and much cleaner, so the possibility of being let loose from the detection of cervical cancer becomes small. Research conducted shows that the thin prep method has an accuracy rate 13% higher than its predecessor, pap smears

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