
Monday, October 10, 2011

Pap Smear method of early detection of cervical cancer

Surprisingly enough, cervical cancer ranks top diseases that cause death for women. Ironically these cancers often occur because of carelessness. There are practical ways you can do to prevent early, cervical examinations at regular intervals, the examination was known as the Pap smear, Pap smear is the most practical way to detect the disease.
 The method was found by papnicocolau has saved millions of women from the deadly threat of cervical cancer in different parts of the world. Pap smears, can detect any abnormalities in the cervix a leap in the field of medical science.

doctors initially thought, herpes simplex virus plays an important role in causing cervical cancer. with the gathering of evidence, suspicions disappear, as well as genetic factors. There are several factors causes, such as smoking habits, but more surprisingly, it turns out the trigger is a human papilloma virus or HPV. Please know that HPV is a disease of cervical dysplasia (pre-cancer), the situation is very common in women who are sexually active, 2-6% of women who undergo asecurity guard suffered smear dysplasia.

In most cases, the process dysplasia cancer develop into cervical, lasted 5 to 15 years. The reason this is why Pap smears are so effective in predicting the occurrence of cervical cancer, Pap smears can detect changes in the level of pre-cancerous cells.
pap smear reliable in terms of defense against cervical cancer is the question how often a woman should ideally undergo papa smear?, Generally the experts agree, to undergo a pap smear once a year is sufficient. But for women including high-risk should undergo more frequent Pap smears to detect this disease.

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