
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Cervical cancer

Cancer is a disease that is caused by hormone irregularities that caused the growth of meat at a normal body. Patients with cancer if not treated or treated quickly will result in death. Meat that is not normal growth can occur on any part, including the female reproductive organs.
Female reproductive organs consist of several parts: the vulva (the outside) vagina (vagina intercourse), cervix (neck of the womb), uterine corpus (body of the uterus), fallopian tubes (fallopian tubes) and ovaries (ovarian).
Cervix, the lowest part of the uterus that protrudes into the top hole intercourse. Cervical length of approximately 1 / 3 the length of the entire uterus and has a channel therein which connects the body cavity of the uterus and vagina intercourse.

The cause of cervical cancer is not clear properly. But the thought of a virus humanilloma role as the originator of this disease. It turned out that the majority of people with cervical cancer human papilloma virus was found, but the others do not find the same at all. Is assumed to cause cervical cancer not only viruses, but is much more precise factor
For example, to make the cervical tissue cells become malignant (cancer occurs), human papilloma virus requires other factors such as the decline in cervical immune Due harpes nicotine or viruses. Nicotine from cigarettes and has been proven cervical cancer patients who smoke, nicotine is widely available on the cervix. Circumstances it can lower immunity of the cervix and ultimately very easily infected with the virus that causes the disease.

The development of cervical cancer
Cervical cancer is not a direct bomb exploded, but it takes time for its development. So if there arepatients aged 35 years, it has actually been exposed to pre-cancer since the age of 20 years, but not felt. Of course not yet seen the symptoms.
Pre -cancerous stage called insitu cancers, consisting of mild dysplasia, dysplasia, moderate dysplasia, and cancer stage 0. Only later increased to malignant cancer (consisting of stage I-IV).
The change from mild dysplasia to stage 0 may take five years. To become a malignant cancer requires a long time, namely between 3 to 10 years. If it is malignant then to extend and spread requires a relatively fast time. Since stadium I to stage IV and eventually died, it took less than 5 years.
In the pre-cancerous (dysplasia and cancer stadium0) often does not cause anything, except a complain that caused the infection. if there is another disorder, usually hinted already reached an advanced stage. Disturbance was common form of pelvic pain during urination or bowel movements, weight loss, weakness or lack of blood due to bleeding.

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