
Sunday, October 02, 2011


This disease is a highly contagious disease. The disease is often found in the region major cities, where free sex is common. Gonorrhea cases is very high in countries emerging regions, where very high levels of prostitution, and public awareness about the dangers of venereal disease is very low. This disease can infect men and women. The disease is caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae, is transmitted through semen or vaginal fluids when having sex with an infected person
 Once infected symptoms usually appear after 2-10 days, some even for months until symptoms appear. This disease in men on the mark with pain when urinating and pus came out on his penis, if you have severe pain will be intensified and the pus that comes out will be more and more. In women often do not realize, especially when symptoms are mild and sometimes not felt, the problem is in women with mild symptoms can still have sex, and transmit to others.

If you are infected with the bacteria of this disease with the symptoms above, then you should immediately see a doctor, you will be checked and taken samples of fluids your body, the aim is to determine the dose of antibiotic should be given. Giving antibiotics that are not appropriate dose will cause the bacteria will become resistant.

For infections that are not too complicated at the nape of the neck, urethra and rectum, using 125 milligrams of a single intramuscular dose of ceftriaxone or cefixime 400 mligram (SupraX) with a dose by mouth.
Also, treatments that also infected chalamydia to do but can not be done. Treatments included a single dose of azithromycin at 1 g by mouth or with doxycycline at 100 mg twice a day, by mouth for seven days.
Alternative ways for Gonococcal infection that is not too difficult to include 2 g of spectinomycin (trobicin) or with a single dose of cephalosporin.
For Gonococcal infection is not difficult from the pharynx, 125 milligrams of ceftriaxone in a single intramuscular dose.

Handling procedures is best with careful way in sex, always use a safety, but it is best not to exchange partner, always keep your health by eating good food and regular exercise

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