
Monday, October 03, 2011

care about your kidney

The kidneys are organs of excretion in vertebrates shaped like a peanut. As part of the urinary system, kidney function filter wastes (especially urea) from the blood and threw it together with water in the form of urine. Branch of  studies the kidneys health and the disease is called nephrology
Humans have a pair of kidneys are located behind the stomach. The kidneys are located on the right and left of the spine, below the liver and spleen. At the top (superior) kidney is an adrenal gland (also called the suprarenal gland). The kidneys are retroperitoneal, which means that lie behind the peritoneum lining the abdominal cavity. Both kidneys are located around the vertebrae T12 to L3. Right kidney usually lies slightly below the left kidney to make room for the heart

Some of the top of the kidneys are protected by the eleventh and twelfth ribs. Both kidneys wrapped by two layers of fat (perirenal and pararenal fat) which helps dampen the shock.

The signs of kidney health  problems,
1. pain during bowel movements or difficulty urinating
2. often dispose of urine, especially at night time
3. issued bloody urine
4. swelling around the eyes, swollen hands and feet, especially among children
5. Pain the back, slightly down from the ribs (not caused by movement)
6. high blood pressure.

There are several types of checks that can be done to determine the health of kidneys, one of the most common is the examination of urine. If there is protein or blood in urine, it showed abnormalities of the kidney.
Or you can also do blood tests to measure levels of creatinine and urea in the blood. If it increases levels of both substances, showing signs of kidney disorders. While the advanced stage of examination to identify abnormalities of the kidneys in the form of radiological examination and renal biopsy. Usually these checks on certain indications and appropriate doctor's advice.
Kidney health disorders can be prevented by various means, particularly by implementing a healthy lifestyle. Stop smoking, watching your cholesterol, control weight, avoid the shortcomings of liquid with enough water to drink

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