
Friday, September 30, 2011

medicine box at home

Fill in household medicine box of course depends on family composition. Young family, which consists of a young couple and a toddler, the contents of the medicine box will be different with a family consisting of husband and wife middle-aged and young adult children who leave. Medicine box also different for elderly couples
However, there is a need for drugs that people in general. Called, the basic drug. The drug to cope with accidents in households (cuts, falls, sprains, burns or splashed by boiling water, insect bites, etc..), Complaints and physical symptoms that are trivial but annoying (fever, headache, runny nose, cough, muscle aches), as well as complaints and physical symptoms that are potentially harmful (diarrhea in the elderly and toddlers, and febrile seizures in children under five). Basic drugs are usually also accompanied by medical devices.

The rest, medicine box  must contain a specific drug for a disease suffered by one family member, which may be recurrent nosebleeds sorts, bronkiale asthma, food allergies / medications, coronary heart disease, menstrual pain, cramps, gastritis, constipation, and sleep disorders. Of course, these drugs we obtain with the help of family doctors, because most medicines are strong drugs that are used only under medical supervision.

Basic drugs, which must exist in a box of medicine, generally is a drug that is symptomatic, relief of symptoms. As free drug is limited, these drugs are sold freely, but use is limited by ordinance and a certain dose. Therefore, do not forget to read the manufacturer's instructions and warnings on the packaging or the insert in the packaging sheet, and stick with it.

Basic drugs were included:

Drugs for wounds & burns. In it, including iodine, which is an antiseptic that is sold without a brand, or are available in small and large bottles with the brand. Also, levertran balm or ointment for minor burns. But the first action for minor burns to do is cool with ice or cold water bath immediately cooled so that heat from the outside and not "burn" the tissue more deeply
Pain reliever and fever (analgesic and antipyretic. In this group are drugs containing paracetamol (other name: acetaminophen). Relievers pain and fever are other good is acetylsalicylic acid, or asetosal. The material is contained in dozens of other products (such as aspirin). analgesics-antipyretics are usually available also in the form of syrup or drops for pediatric patients. Some drugs are more non-analgesic and antipyretic that is not appropriate for fever, such as mefenamic acid (in Ponstan), ibuprofen (in Axalan, Ibufen) . these drugs are very good to relieve muscle and joint pain, or pain due to menstruation.

 Cold medicine. This group is a drug combination that always contains an analgesic-antipyretics, but different from the groups listed above. Cold medicines usually contain other active substances to reduce the production of nasal mucus or overcome brim (a decongestant). Phenylpropanolamine (PPA) and pseudoephedrine are examples of decongestants. Some antiflu also contain allergy, cough suppressant (antitussive), or hyper cough (expectorant), because the symptoms of flu are manifold. We can choose the type of antiflu that matches the symptoms that often arise when the flu. Once again do not forget to read sheet insert (PPI) products because this is a group of drug-free drug is limited

Liniment. This group has long been known as a remedy to warm or cool the body. Can also cope with itching or pain from insect bites. These include essential oils (such as eucalyptus oil, citronella oil, or clove oil), which is usually warm the body so it can help overcome flatulence. Certain VapoRub was also concentrated eucalyptus oil. Meanwhile, various real balm or ointment containing metilsalisilat or other analgesics. It's just extra menthol and camphor liniment is made ​​initially creates a feeling of cold that once sorted, the body should be closed. Steam generated by these drugs will be inhaled and also provide a sense of warmth and relief in the airways.

Rehydration salts. These drugs are needed by children and adults who experience diarrhea, diarrhea. Actually, diarrhea is the way the body to issue something that can not be accepted by the intestine, such as rotting food or toxins released by viruses and germs. Unfortunately, adults often forget, when the diarrhea-diarrhea. In a rather flaccid ORS taken, but the diarrhea medication. Apparently, the concept of the benefits of diarrhea has not been understood by the public, so people often want to rush to stop the diarrhea.

In addition to basic medicines,medicine box should also contain materials or medical devices. Among other things, plaster, bandages, gauze, cotton and scissors. Plaster can be distinguished on ordinary plaster and plaster of drugs which is useful for treating minor injuries. For more extensive wounds should use a small piece of sterile gauze packed in boxes. Regular dressings are generally sold in rolls of a width of all sorts. Scissors are prepared in medicine box should not be too small.

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