
Sunday, October 09, 2011

Tips for women associated with cancer

More1500 Every day Americans die from cancer. Once the report of the American Cancer Society. But there are still few are aware that by changing lifestyles, the risk of this disease can be derived. The following tips on cancer prevention.
 consume fruits and vegetables

Various studies have shown that people who are not suffering from cancer tend to eat more fruits and vegetables are many and varied. Those who eat few vegetables 25 percent higher risk of developing breast cancer. Fruits and vegetables efficacious as an anti-cancer because it contains polyphenols, as well as other chemicals, both of these foods boost immunity against cancer.

Other substances contained in vegetables is a carotenoid, a substance that is widely available in the carrots, women with low levels of carotenoids in the blood have a risk of developing breast cancer is 21 times higher than in healthy women.

The point is to eat more fruits and vegetables would be better, it is recommended to eat fruit and vegetable servings per day two portion. The definition of a serving is a bowl of salad or fruit or vegetable is ripe. Cooking methods also need to be noticed, do not fry a lot of fruits and vegetables in fat, fried potatoes for example.

Perform a screening mammogram

A study in Sweden found that regular mammograms reduce inspection reach 2 / 3 reduced the risk of breast cancer . American Cancer Society says that undergoing a mammogram and other cancer detection examinations can lengthen the prospect of cancer-free for five years, for patients with breast cancer, colon, prostate, testes, mouth and skin Early detection dramatically increases the likelihood of a cure.
As  examination guide line, the American Cancer Society recommends the following:
  •  Pap smear every year and for pelvic examination to detect cervical cancer, for women over 18 years and    over
  • Screening mammogram every year and a breast exam every month, for women 40 years or older.
  • For women over 50 years, all the above checks should be performed, plus a blood test every year or sigmoidos-copy (examination of the inside of the colon) every 5 years, or colon copy every ten years, to check for colorectal cancer disease.

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