
Saturday, October 08, 2011

Physical activity reduces the rate of obesity in children

Health info. Obesity in children today is highly prevalent especially in urban areas , pretty good income, and regional trade. With a state where people feel they lack time, so rare in a family cooking activities, they are better off going to a restaurant or fast food provider, or if unusual cooked, usually an instant cooking also.Currently nearly 300 million people worldwide have obesity.
        In  Indonesia, obesity include something slightly worrying, according to the nutritional health of community development director, minarto, there are more than 20 percent of Indonesia adults are obese, the prevalence of women and 26.9 for men 16 , 3. In children under Riskesdas 2010 there were 14 percent of children between 0-5 years are obese.At this time of obesity in children is a serious matter, to the parents who have children who are obese, take action to lose weight her son, pay attention to weight index, In order for children to avoid diseases associated with obesity, limit your child's caloric intake is no more from 1600 per day.
          One of the best ways is to increase physical activity besides, look at their food intake, multiply the child  perform physical activities that require little energy, such as swimming, jogging, biking, and let the kids play outside. Avoid the kids too long watching tv, computer, or playstation, more so in let children watch TV while snacking, especially  "junk food". role of parents is crucial here, however busy parents, should be used to control the diet of children and balancing calorie intake, and provide time for children to play together, when holiday, make it a habit with the family to do activities outside the home.

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