
Friday, October 07, 2011

The growth of teeth

The average child's first teeth to grow the first time at children aged + / - 6 months. Beginning with the lower incisors that grow on average around age 60-10 months, while the upper incisors grow at about the age of 8-12 months. However, the pace of growth among children who single teeth with the other children not necessarily the same. There is growing faster but there are also longer. Not a few teething child who first reached 1 year old now, and when the tooth came out probably more than one tooth at the same time. It is a normal variation and not to worry about.
However, there are factors that affect the speed of growth of your child's teeth. The process of tooth formation is initiated when the child is still in the mother's womb, about when the fetus is 4 months old. Possible baby teeth grow more slowly than necessary is greater in children born prematurely or birth weight less, because the process of growth and development in general has not been perfect as well as teeth.

But if the baby teeth grow too late when the child born just months, then of course there are other factors such as diet of children. If during these babies were given only soft foods only, the child should begin to be introduced to foods that are textured and slightly rough. Of course, cooking methods and types of foods tailored to the age of the baby. Keep in mind, soft foods provide less stimulation for the child's dentition and jaw. Precisely by being given food that is a bit harder, the muscles of mastication, teeth and jaw bones will work harder and provide stimulation for the growth of teeth and bones. Dentition can also be stimulated by giving the child a toy that can chew. Same function, namely to provide stimulation to the teeth and bones. But do not forget to pay attention to cleanliness of the toys are given toys that will go into the child's mouth, and select toys that are safe and free of toxic substances.

Another factor could be because the child's gums are thicker than normal or something more complex such as nutritional deficiencies or genetic abnormality even though it is usually coupled with other symptoms. If the child's age was more than a year and her teeth have not grown well, you should consult your dentist immediately, to find the cause and how to overcome them.

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