
Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Benefits of vitamin A for health

Health info, the benefits of vitamin A are as follows:
Vision process. Vitamin A in the form of retinal will join the opsin (a protein) to form rhodopsin, which is the visual pigment. The presence of rhodopsin that is what allows us to see. The low consumption of vitamin A causes decreased deposits in the liver and levels in the blood. Further result is a reduction in vitamin A are available for the retina.
Regulate the immune system (immunity). The immune system helps prevent or fight off infections by making white blood cells that can destroy harmful bacteria and viruses. Vitamin A may help lymphocytes (a type of white blood cells) to function more effectively in fighting infection.

Prevent blindness. Vitamin A deficiency causes the gland is not able to shed tears, so the film that covers the cornea dries. Next corneal keratinization and exfoliation experience, so that it becomes broken. The infection causes the eyes ooze pus and blood. Further impact is the emergence of bitot points (white on the black eye) and an interruption is called conjunctiva xerosis, xerophthalmia and permanent blindness.
Counteract free radicals. Vitamin A and beta-carotene proved to be an antioxidant that can protect cells from free radical attack to prevent the onset of various chronic diseases, like heart disease and cancer.
Fueled the growth. Vitamin A deficiency causes impaired growth due to interference with protein synthesis. This phenomenon often seen in children under five. Research in animals suggests that the growth process will stop if the need for vitamin A is not met.

Maintaining health of the epithelial cells of the respiratory tract. Deficiency or vitamin A deficiency causes the epithelial cells are unable to remove mucus (phlegm) and form cilia (hair like) to prevent the accumulation of foreign material on the cell surface. Therefore, deficiency of vitamin A can cause upper respiratory tract infections (ARI).

Establish and maintain the growth of bones and teeth. Deficiency of vitamin D shown to inhibit the elongation of bones and healthy teeth formation. Therefore, the adequacy of vitamin A very important note for children who are undergoing the process of growth and development.

Maintaining healthy skin and hair. Deficiency of vitamin A can cause skin and hair becomes rough and dry.

Support the process of reproduction. Vitamin A is required in the productivity of steroid hormones (sex hormones) and the process of spermatogenesis (sperm cell formation) is very vital in the process of egg fertilization to produce offspring. Therefore, vitamin A deficiency causes infertility.

Infectious Diseases, The early symptoms of vitamin A deficiency is no longer a child can see clearly in the afternoon, referred to as blind dusk. The next stage if vitamin A deficiency continues is xerosis conjunctiva (the white part dry eyes, dull, not shiny), bitot spots (spots like soap suds), corneal xerosis (dry eye black part, dull, and do not shine), keratomalasia (partially from black eyes softened like porridge), ulceration of the cornea (the entire black eyes softened like porridge), xeroftalmia scars (smaller or deflate the eyeball), and eventually lead to permanent blindness

Vitamin A deficiency is the second largest cause of blindness after cataract. Deficiency of vitamin A levels are able to inhibit growth and decrease the immune system (immune) against infectious diseases.

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